You+2017=Best Relationship Ever!

You+2017=Best Relationship Ever!

Happy New Year! In 2016, I was already claiming “2017 will be a season of consecutive wins!” I am hoping that is the case for me in every aspect of my life. Truthfully, I am hoping the same for you also! I am sure that you set some new year resolutions for yourself. The top 2 I always hear are saving money and losing weight. While those are awesome goals to accomplish, what about other areas of your life? Have you thought about setting goals for your relationship?  Yes! Your relationship needs goals too. The same amount of energy you put into creating goals to lose weight and save money, should be the same energy you put into your relationship goals. Where has your relationship been? Where is it now? And where would you like for it to go in the future? Think about it. We do this for every other area of our lives, why not this one too?!

For you to have the best relationship ever, you must be willing to put in the necessary work. So, before I talk about anything else this year in another blog, let’s just start with the basics of what having a healthy relationship entails:


  • Giving the benefit of the doubt
  • Accepting each other’s word


  • Asking, not expecting
  • Accepting change
  • Making decisions together
  • Willing to compromise


  • Supporting each other’s choices
  • Being understanding
  • Offering encouragement
  • Listening non-judgmentally
  • Valuing opinions


  • Communicating openly and truthfully


  • Refusing to intimidate or manipulate
  • Respecting physical space and boundaries
  • Expressing self non-violently


  • Admitting mistakes (or when wrong)
  • Accepting responsibility for behaviors, attitudes and values

Lastly, please remember these topics: Trust, Cooperation, Support, Honesty, Safety, and Accountability are all centered around RESPECT.

Measure your relationship to the above list and make the necessary changes to help your relationship flourish! Let me know what you think by commenting below…..BE BLESSED!


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